Alana Davis Name of Album: Fortune Cookies Ratings: Personal - 4 General - 4 Release Date: Out Now
Comments: Her remake of the Whodini hit “Friends” is surprisingly fresh—and refreshing. Bye Bye, track six, has a ‘70s Superfly-cum-Charlie’s Angels guitar-riff and bass running underneath, giving it a polyesther retro sound—which actually works and was a pleasant departure fro the Lilith Fair strain I was afraid I would be subjected to throughout the album. Track 7, Fortune Cookie, has us return back to the earth from hence she came, and 8 (A Chance With You), almost throws us back into something less earthy, but merely swings us tauntingly to and fro on its folksy branches. Alana’s drift into the reggae, which is more than can be said for others who have wet their feet in this river, and failed to cross. Overall, Fortune Cookies is a pleasant summer’s end album—she would have been a great opening act for k.d. lang’s Invincible Summer tour. |