25 Lessons

25 Lessons is the #1 Best Selling Photo Essay & Artist Biography on Amazon in 2010 and 2011

About The Book
25 Lessons I've Learned
about Photography Life!

Book Excerpts
Read The Preface
& Chapter Titles

Raves, Reviews &
Reader's Letters

News about the book

The Inspiration!
25 Lessons I've Learned
(About Photography)

Sample Photos
Slideshow of the 25
photos featured in the book!

Sneak Preview!
See a low-res version
of the entire book!

Hi-Res Photo Grid for:
Media, Blog & Press Use

About The Artist & Author
Lorenzo (Domínguez) Artist Bio
Photography CV
Writing CV
Author Central on Amazon
goodreads author profile

Where to Buy

#1 Photo Essay
on Amazon.com for 2010!

Paperback on Amazon
$9.99 on Amazon.com

Kindle Versions
Now Available as an e-book for:
iPad, Kindle, iPhone, iPod touch, PC,Mac, Blackberry, & Android devices

Amazon, US:
Text only, $2.99

Text & Photos, $3.99

Amazon, UK:
Text only, £2.20

Text & Photos, £2.90

Google eBook! $3.03

Hard & soft cover versions on:

Back to Homepage

free web site hit counter

September, 2011, New York City:


The One City. One World. art exhibit is currently on display until September 30 at The Manhattan Borough President's Gallery featuring the NYC street photography of Lorenzo Domínguez.

The exhibit is curated by Carmiah Frank from Tel Aviv, Israel and also includes work by other photographers including Joseph Silva, Steven Shalowitz, Keith Goldstein, and Rita Rivera.

The Manhattan Borough President's Gallery
1 Centre Street, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10007
(212) 669-8300

The gallery is open Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM

Click here to visit the official One City. One World. Facebook Page for more information.

March 6, 2011, New York City:
25 Lessons now available in Italian on Amazon.com!

Italian Kindle versions of 25 Lessons I've Learned about Photography...Life! has just been released on Amazon.
Click here to buy, ASIN: B004QO9ZOI.

Nel suo best-seller Lorenzo descrive come le apparentemente semplici regole della fotografia possono essere applicate anche all'arte di vivere. Ispirato e poetico, questo libro non solo stimolerà energie creative nei lettori, ma risveglierà anche la tua passione per la vita.

25 lezioni è stato un best seller al N° 1 dei saggi fotografici in vendita su amazon.com per il 2010 e il 2011. Versioni in edizione economica e con copertina rigida, con immagini, sono pure disponibili su Amazon e su blurb.com.

February 27, 2011, Savannah, GA:
All Language Kindle versions of 25 Lessons .99 cents in March!

In celebration of my marriage on February 27, 2011 in Savannah G, all Kindle versions of 25 Lessons, will be .99 cents for the entire month of March. This will include both with photos and without photos versions.

25 Lessons is now available in paperback on Amazon, as well as in Portuguese and French.

Amazon.com, US

Paperback, $9.99
Text only, $0.99
With photos, $0.99

Text only, $0.99
With photos, $0.99

Text only, $0.99
With photos, $0.99

Text only, $0.99
With photos, $0.99

Amazon.com, UK

Text only, £ 0.70
With photos, £ 0.70

Text only, £0.70
With photos, £0.70

Text only, £0.70
With photos, £0.70

Text only, £0.70
With Photos, £0.70

Google eBook
Text & Photos, $3.03
Preview the first 7 chapters online!

Hard and soft cover versions
starting at $5.99

February 6, 2011, Superbowl Sunday, New York City:
25 Lessons now available in paperback on Amazon.com!

The new black & white paperback version of 25 Lessons I've Learned about Photography...Life! has just been released on Amazon. Click here to buy, 8 x 5, 146 pages, $9.99, ISBN-10: 1456572016, ISBN-13: 978-1456572013.

$9.99 on Amazon.com

Spanish and Italian Kindle and Paperback versions coming soon!

January 26, 2011, New York City:
The Unmotivated Motivational Speaker Reviews 25 Lessons

The Unmotivated Motivational Speaker Reviews 25 Lessons

A special thanks to David Stoddard for posting a tongue-in-cheek review of my book, 25 Lessons I've Learned about Photography...Life.

David writes:

"I am on lesson 7 of the 25.

The one which has stuck with me the most to this point is “Use Your Imagination”. I won't go into the details (mainly because I don't necessarily remember them as much as how they affected me). This was the first chapter to make me want to print small posters of quotes and paste them around the office.

Use your imagination is a reminder to use the creativity each of us has (and yes, believe it or not, we all have our own imagination. It helps make possible what we and others feel might not be possible. And it makes living just a bit more fun. Read the book. You'll see what I am saying."

To read the full review, click here.

January 22, 2011, New York City:

The Kindle versions of 25 Lessons are on sale for .99 cents in US and £0.71 in the UK (text only) and $1.99 in the US and £1.43 in the UK (for text and photos) starting today, Saturday, January 22 until Monday, January 31.
Amazon, US:
Text only, $.99 cents

Text & Photos, $1.99

Amazon, UK:
Text only, £0.71

Text & Photos, £1.43

January 19, 2011, New York City:

Even Amazon has decided to take advantage of the social networking phenomenon by introducing a "Popular Highlights" feature to its Kindle devices. The new feature identifies the passages that are most highlighted by the millions of Kindle customers. Subsequently, the highlights of all Kindle customers are combined and used to identify the passages with the most highlights for all users. The resulting Popular Highlights help readers to focus on passages that are meaningful to the greatest number of people.

Click here to see the most popular highlights in 25 Lessons I've Learned about Photography...Life

January 6, 2011, New York City:

25 Lessons is now available as a Google eBook! Click the following link to preview and purchase for only $3.03!

November 23, 2010, New York City:

Following is BookShow™ digital preview of the hard-copy illustrated version of 25 Lessons available at blurb.com.

November 8, 2010, New York City:

The #1 Bestselling Photo Essay & Artist Biography in 2010 on Amazon, 25 Lessons I’ve Learned about Photography...Life!,is now available with 25 Spectacular Street Photos in the US and UK.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: #1 Best Selling Photo Essay, 25 Lessons I’ve Learned, is now in the Top 10 of Self/Spiritual Books

New York City, October 1, 2010:

25 Lessons I've Learned about Photography Life, the #1 Best Selling Photo Essay on Amazon.com for most of 2010, and the #2 in Artists Biographies & Memoirs, is now in the Top 10 of Self/Spiritual Books, along with genre classics Deepak Chopra’s The Book of Secrets, Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha, and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.

Click here to see it on Amazon.com

World Renowned Painter Claudio Filippini Inspired by Another Lorenzodom NYC Street Photo
World Renowned Italian Painter Claudio Filippini Inspired by Another Photo
by NYC Street Photographer Lorenzo Dominguez

May 18, 2010, New York City:

A special thanks to Italian painter Claudio Filippini, who just informed me that he has
finished another painting inspired by one of my photos, the most beautiful day of the year.
It is now the featured work on the homepage of his website.

The first painting he created was inspired by my photo, This Is New York!,
which he finished in October of 2008.

Please check out Claudio's work at www.claudiofilippini.it

Amazon.com’s #1 Best Selling Photo Essay, 25 Lessons I’ve Learned about Photography Life is now available for the BlackBerry

February, 19, 2010, New York City

With the release of a Kindle application for BlackBerry phones today, Amazon.com’s #1 Best Selling Photo Essay, 25 Lessons I’ve Learned about Photography Life is now available for the Kindle, iPhone, iPod touch, PC and now BlackBerry. Amazon has also promised to release applications for the Mac and iPad soon.

25 Lessons I’ve Learned (about photography) is #1 bestselling Photo Essay on Amazon.com and is available HERE.

Get the Kindle for iPhone and iPod touch FREE at Apple’s App Store.

HP Featured Artist: Be Brilliant Home Page

25 LESSONS I'VE LEARNED about Photography Life!

In his best-selling book, Lorenzo describes how the deceptively simple rules of photography can also be applied to the art of living. Inspirational and poetic,this book will not only spark readers’ creative energies, but also reawaken your passion for life.

In 2005, as a husband, father, and corporate employee — Lorenzo's life revolved around home, work, and his daily commute from the suburbs to the city.

Then, one day, he found himself staying at the Little Church in midtown Manhattan in the wake of a marital separation. Living in virtual isolation for three months, he had a rare chance to re-examine his life.

Quite unexpectedly, he found himself wandering around the city to take photographs, a passion he had let slide in the years of pursuing a career and starting a family. During his nightly sojourns through the streets of New York City, he was reminded of some important life lessons—lessons too easily forgotten in the blur of everyday existence.

“In many of my conversations on great photographers, I frequently mention Lorenzo’s work. His sequential photographs…are nothing less that a visual urban poem. It has been my pleasure to watch Lorenzo’s rapid growth as a leading photographer of our time.”
Jim Van Meter, Rochester, NY, USA

“Lorenzo is a master. His body of work is some of the very best online and may very well be some of the best being done in the medium today. His street work follows in the tradition of Paul Strand, Cartier-Bresson, Garry Winogrand and Larry Friedlander. Lorenzo’s 25 Lessons are…as seminal as Ansel’s dissertation on the zone system. I found them to be reenergizing, perceptive and extremely useful. I have been touched by his story, his writings and by his work. I can’t imagine anyone not being so.”
Barry Shapiro, Los Angeles, CA, USA

“Lorenzo…has a passion for life, photography and writing. He is a linguistic genius, a storyteller through words and pictures. He captures with his camera the world as he sees it, its feelings, love, beauty and all it has to offer...” Brenda George, Adelaide, Australia

Lorenzo is a foremost expert and author on street photography, and an award-winning street photographer himself.

As the Photography Examiner for New York for the Examiner.com, Lorenzo chronicles what’s up, what’s new and what’s notable in the world of photography in New York City.

In 2008, he was chosen to be the HP Be Brilliant Featured Artist and he became the best-selling author of 25 Lessons I’ve Learned (about photography).

Since taking up digital photography in 2005, his photography has been featured in fotoMAGAZIN, Germany's premier photo magazine, and his photos have been cited, posted and published by over 330 other blogs, websites, and print publications.

Today, Lorenzo has over 30,000 photographs published on flickr.com—one of the world's most popular photography websites—where his photos have been seen over 5.5 million times and where he ranks as one of the site's most popular photographers. He has been called an "Internet photography sensation" by Time Out New York and is considered a "Flickr star" by Rob Walker, Consumed columnist, for New York Times Magazine.

Interview with Sally Golan of Celebrity Wire

Interview with Paul Giguere

Interview with Bill Hector Weye and Sandra Pipczynski.

Copyright © 2005-2010. Lorenzo Domínguez. All Rights Reserved. These pages are protected by international copyright laws.