25 Lessons I Have Learned
2. Everywhere You Go…


…that camera needs to be there with you.

Andy Warhol said it first, and I’m saying it again—carry Her with you everywhere you go, for you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

I know this to be all too true, because there have been far too many great shots that I’ve missed simply because I decided to “leave it behind.” Most of the time it was an excuse to concentrate on other menial things. But then, regrettably, I find myself lamenting those sweet opportunities missed, because I was truly amiss with the decision to “let it rest.”

Alas, there is no rest for the true enthusiast, there is no repose when you are passionate about something and know you have a gift that needs to be nurtured. Because for those of us that embrace the creative life and are inspired to make “being” worthy of existence, we know that the meaning of life is simply what we make of it.

*a splendid example: i.chant.bean's the bridesmaids and the dog

*please note: the photographer and the photograph cited do not necessarily reflect the views of the lesson or any other random thoughts of the writer.

Everything is Beautifullesson 1 lesson 3Use Your Imagination