25 Lessons I Have Learned

Photography has not only allowed me to satisfy my creative urges like never before, but also has facilitated a greater appreciation for other things I love — like my family and this grand old metropolis — New York City. Yes, I feel quite blessed to have NYC as my studio.

Recently, I saw an advertisement for Conde Nast which read “It’s not a subscription, it’s a Torrid Love Affair. That’s exactly how I feel about the City. It is as if I have fallen in love again with Her all over again and I have my camera to thank for it.

Hence, I would like to share the following musings with other avid amateur photographers, who like me, see the world as their studio.

I’ve written the following "lessons" particularly for those inclined to photograph moving matter, life as it is living, people being people. And albeit many of these principles may be applied to still (life) photography as well, they are written primarily for those focusing on the study of motion.

My first disclaimer is that some of the content may seem repetitive, reiterating the same principles, but merely with different words. This may very well be, but then it may also be that I simply believe that the message bears repeating.

Secondly, I will profess that this is much more a philosophical pontification than a treatise on "how to" per se. And the few tidbits on technique I convey are often skewed toward those employing digital equipment.

I gave up on traditional film photography long ago when during my first trip to New York City in 1989, I ruined the first 35mm I ever bought by mistakenly placing my oily lunch in the same tote bag...

Thank goodness the digital revolution came along, because I've caught the runaway train upon which it rides and I am having quite an adventure feeling the cool wind blow.

Recharge Your Batterieslesson25 lesson 1 Everything Is Beautiful