25 Points of Creativity
09. Act!

Act now, creativity cannot wait. Much like an annoying infomercial in the wee hours of way past midnight, this message needs to resound, ring repeatedly, in your soul - at least, until you do something about it. The road to good intentions is well paved, but it will not get you where you want to go unless you start moving.

This is crucial to creativity, because not only are ideas worthless unless implemented, but Inspiration can be quite impatient and tends to get restless rather quickly. She isn’t going to wait around too long, if you ain’t showing any interest in Her.

Moreover, if you’re like me, the memory tends to fail us when most needed. Hence, the need to act fast, to leap! and take advantage of every moment of inspiration immediately.

A personal example of this phenomena is the fact that I have a list of 100 More Lessons I’ve Learned (about photography) sitting gathering dust in the archives of my mind. Up to this point I’ve written all the titles of each lesson and completed writing about 25% of them. Yet, I’ve puttered and dallied about the task so much for the last two months that I’ve begun to forget what the titles meant. When I first began, the entire lot was fully loaded and scripted out mentally. Alas, I am realizing that time heals all wounds and the window of opportunity for festering creativity is quickly closing.

Be Inspired!lesson 08 lesson 10 We Are All Creators (The Four Ds)